Sound and Colour.
Extraordinary you is a Korean TV series about a side character who realises they are in a comic. She is engaged to a guy who she does not love and in the story the guy keeps breaking her heart. Due to this, she tries to change the story and follow her own hear.
In this scene, we see our main character wait for her fiancé. At the start of the scene we see blue hue with a lower saturation. As discussed in this article done by Jon Fusco, blue signifies "conservatism" and "tranquillity." I believe blue was used at the start of this scene since this is when the main character has to conform to the original story written by the author and is unable to to make her own choices. Hence it adheres to the idea of conservatism due to the fact that it opposes any change and wants the character to follow the traditional story. Not only that, since the character understands what is going to happen, she has a sense of tranquillity, despite crying. I think this is a great use of colour since at a first look you'll associate the blue colour with sadness, when in reality it shows how the character is trapped in a state of not being able to make her own choices, yet calm since she knows what is going to happen.
Once the chapter is supposedly over, we hear a a sound signifying the change of atmosphere. Sometimes they also use the sound of a page turning which is a great recall to the context of the show being inside a comic book. This helps the audience distinguish between the comic book story and outside of it. While the sound happens, we see a change in hue and brightness in the scene. Instead of blue we see that the saturation of orange/yellow colours increase. These colours often portray "happiness" and "enthusiasm." This atmosphere is proven right by the way the character acts after the chapter ends, by hurriedly leaving the scene to do what they want to do instead.
I like that they used both colour and sound to show this transition rather one or the other. If they had only used the sound, the audience would know that the transition happened but it wouldn't be as immersive as it is with the change in hue and saturation. However, if it was only colour, then the audience may not even notice the difference and due to the subtleness of it. The sound draw attention to it while the colour change makes it seem more real.
In conclusion, I believe this is an brilliant example of using colour and sound to create a transition of context or world in a scene. Especially since it was one continuous shot rather than a camera transition.
StudioBinder. “How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes.” StudioBinder, 27 July 2020, Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.
StudioBinder. “Color Theory in Film — Color Psychology for Directors: Ep5 - YouTube.”, 8 June 2018, Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.
Fusco, Jon. “The Psychology of Color in Film (with Examples).” No Film School, 24 June 2016, Accessed 2 Jan. 2021.
KOCOWA TV. “Rowoon and Kim Hye Yoon Go on a Movie Date [Extra-Ordinary You Ep 12] - YouTube.”, 18 Oct. 2019, Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.